Gala Event Journal
Animated publication
BAIS YAAKOV SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CELEBRATING OVER 78 YEARS OF QUALITY EDUCATION NURTURING THE FUTURE OF KLAL YISROEL… EACH CHILD INDIVIDUALLY Nurturing From the moment a student steps into Bais Yaakov she feels cared for; her individual needs are our focus. The Future... The lessons learned in the classroom, in the hallways and by worthy example, help shape her direction in life. Of Klal Yisroel... Learning from a young age through programs and experiences that she is an integral part of a royal nation, gaining pride in her yiddishkeit and a love for Torah. Each Child Individually... With great Siyata D'shmaya, Bais Yaakov has created generations of Jewish women who embody dignity, intellect, character and integrity and are committed to passing on our treasured mesorah. · PARTNERWITH US TO ENSURE A BRIGHT FUTURE · -2-
W ith M uch A ppreciation T o T he E xecutive C ommittee
Dovid Meir Loeb CHAIRMAN
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Gobbie Cohn Dovid E. Feinberg Dovid Flamm Dr. Kenny Friedman Dovie Gibber Doni Greenwald Yoni Herman
Nechemia Isbee Shlomo Kanner Naftali Langer Meir Neuberger Eliezer Portnoy Yaakov Spatz Yitzy Tendler Eliezer Zweig
Mrs. Perri Goldenhersh Thank you to our inspired Event Commitee Leader and the dedicated volunteers of the committee. Your passion, creativity and attention to detail have made this a greatly successful campaign and event.
W ith M uch A ppreciation T o T he D edicated V olunteers A nd C ommittee M embers
Fran Davids Aliza Elman Perri Goldenhersh Sima Goldstein Sora Greenlinger Rivka Leiser Yocheved Lieder
Blumie Loeb Aliza Samet Bracha Sanders GRANDPARENT COMMITTEE Sima Goldstein, Chair Bethy Guttman Blumie Loeb Aviva Wealcatch
Yocheved Lieder ‘99, Alumnae Committee Co-Chair Bracha Sanders ‘12, Alumnae Committee Co-Chair T hank you to our dedicated A lumnae C ommittee
Rivky Abraham ‘07 Ida Glenner ‘93 Ora Goldman ‘96 Esther Schubert ‘11 Shalvah Shafran ‘82
Lori Guttman Baila Haor Sorah Jacobs Shelley Kadden Shaindee Kahn Shulamis Katz Yocheved Katz Yehudis Katz Gila Kirzner Chana Koenig Tziporah Kramer Shoshy Kruger Penina Levine Perel Leah Levitin Chani Neuberger Shiffy Novograd Chaya Polsky Rochel Raber Gila Spero ‘87 Aliza Wein ‘94
Chani Abrams Rikki Ambinder Esther Berman Caryn Blum Tsippy Boehm Shari Borenstein Pesha Chaya Brenner Bayla Burnstein Karen Cohn Dena Deutsch Shulamis Dewick Ilana Finkelstein Ethel Fischer Tzipora Frager Zipporah Freedman Ida Glenner Shoshana Goldberg Devora Gross
Chana Retter Rochel Rochkind Shirley Rosinsky Ora Sanders Faigy Schnall Neshie Schoemann Fay Schuldenfrei Shalva Shafran Ruth Shane Shaindy Shear Cindy Sonstein Miriam Steinharter Rochie Tennenbaum Adina Wallerstein Aidel Weisberg Yael Weiss Faige Young
Your investment of time and energy in this year’s successful dinner campaign is greatly appreciated.You have enhanced the achdus between Bais Yaakov and our dear alumnae.
HOSTESS COMMITTEE Layah Greenfield, Chair Shoshana Krupp, Chair
Chumie Azman Shoshi Benjamin Leah Berry Rivka Bogart Tamar Charnowitz Chana Ciment Sara Crane Racheli Daniel Gitty Eisenreich Nina Elman Chani Engel Rivky Flamm Atara Frankel Shira Friedman Shlomit Friedman Rachel Chaya Ganz Sara Gibber Malki Goldberg
Chomily Kushner Tova Herman Baila Langer Malkie Lehrfield Racheli Mitnick Nechama Prero Brach Rappaport Efrona Shane Juliya Sheynman Reva Sonnenblick Esther Spatz Rachel Steger Shoshi Stein Linda Storch Nechama Tendler Yael Zelinger Dassey Zweig
OFFICERS Moshe Dov Shurin, President Dovid Feinberg, Vice President Tzvi Schwartz, Vice President & Secretary Jacob Slone, Vice President, Finance Ari Krupp, Treasurer EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION Rabbi Aaron Gross, Director of Development Rabbi Yacov Simha, Vice President, Development Rabbi Zalman Nissel, Chief Executive Officer PAST PRESIDENTS Shlomo Spetner, Immediate Past President Rabbi Ari S. Neuberger*, President Emeritus Nathan Adler* Henry P. Cohn* M. Leo Storch* HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS Ignatz Davidovitz* Simon Miller*
D ear B ais Y aakov F riends and S upporters , Thank you all very much for joining us this evening at this historic event as we appreciate and honor our teachers. Though we all work hard to provide the best environment in which the school can thrive, in truth, all efforts are inconsequential compared to the life altering positive impact that our dedicated, committed, expert and caring moros and teachers have on our students every day. Nothing can possibly compare to the warmth and love provided by our wonderful faculty to each and every Bais Yaakov student. Their impact is forever. Please join me in thanking them profusely for all they do for our students, their parents and our school. Bais Yaakov can accomplish nothing without their dedication. Thank you all for your commitment and support of our Bais Yaakov. RABBI ZALMAN NISSEL CHIEF EXECUTIVE ANDOPERATINGOFFICER
This evening, we celebrate our 78th anniversary under the leadership of our President, Board of Directors, educational leadership, and faculty. Bais Yaakov, as a result, has merited to be acclaimed in the world of chinuch as one of the most outstanding mosdos in our time. We have earned this title of distinction not only through their מסירת נפש , but also because of their approach each year with a sense of renewed and refreshed excitement in their .עבודת הקודש As a development professional, I often hear stories of Bais Yaakov teachers who, through their love and caring for the students, left an everlasting impression on them throughout their lives. The stellar quality of the educational expertise of our faculty has been noted in many seminaries in Eretz Yisroel and elsewhere where our graduates have attended. Our mechanchos exemplify the 21st century of R’ Chiya’s approach, as described in mesechta Baba Metzia: A Bas Kol once told Raish Lakish, “You learned Torah like R’Chiya, but you did not spread Torah like R’Chiya!” What did R’Chiya do? R’ Chiya planted flax, turned the fibers into nets, trapped deer, skinned them for parchment, and wrote down each of the five books of the Torah on a separate parchment. He gave each of the scrolls to a separate orphan and taught them each their respective sefer. He then instructed each of them to teach their friends what they had learned. Bais Yaakov is proud this evening to honor outstanding representatives of our staff who, through their עבודת הקודש , meticulously follow R’Chiya’s example. As we gather here this evening, we thank not only those within our Bais Yaakov family, but also our many supporters from close and far who share in our dream and vision. May Bais Yaakov continue to be blessed with the tremendous siyata d’shmaya that it has merited for many years to come.
D ear H onored G uests , Thank you so much for joining in this year’s Women’s Gala Event as we celebrate Bais Yaakov and show appreciation to our teachers. While you have gathered tonight as we honor and recognize individuals from each of our educational divisions, we express our admiration and eternal gratitude to all of the teachers of our precious children. This beautiful event and the success of the gala event campaign are the result of hard work, by many many individuals. May Hashem bless all of you accordingly. As was true with the building of the Mishkan, we at Bais Yaakov merit ongoing s’yata d’shmaya and ultimately success due in great measure to the achdus created by the selfless efforts of parents, teachers, and supporters, unified in purpose and committed to the future of Klal Yisroel. Having the ongoing opportunity to see up close what makes our school the outstanding mossad haTorah v’hachinuch it is, I am continuously impressed by the inspired dedication and professionalism of Bais Yaakov’s Menahalim, moros, teachers and educational staff, along with the support of our lay leadership, executive office leadership and staff, all working together to ensure our collective success. This evening, the women of our community have gathered for a beautiful gala event honoring Bais Yaakov’s teachers, our shining “stars”. Our Chazal (Bava Basra 8b) have taught us (based on a posuk in Doniel 12:3), that the teachers of Jewish children are compared to the stars. The Maharsha explains that just as the stars in heaven are forever functioning both at night and even during daylight hours, despite their not being visible to us at all times, so too, our teachers are concerned about their students’ wellbeing and development even after classtime and beyond the classroom walls. The ongoing dedication of our teachers and their devotion to their girls are evident long after the seforim and textbooks are closed for the school day. We, the men and women of the Bais Yaakov community, express our deepest heartfelt hakoras hatov to all our shining stars, the teachers of our school. This evening is dedicated to all of you for all you do. We thank the individual honorees at this gala for allowing us to honor you. May Hashem grant you all continued gezunt and hatzlacha along with the necessary strength and wisdom to continue “shining brightly” as stars in the lives of the daughters of our community. It is a great zechus to be part of Bais Yaakov, and we look forward to accomplishing great things together, b’ezras Hashem, on behalf of our daughters and the role they will each play in the eternity of Torah and Klal Yisroel. -14-
It is with a great sense of excitement and deep gratitude to Bais Yaakov that I pen this letter. I spent many years in Bais Yaakov, first as a student for 13½ years, then as a teacher, volunteer, parent, grandparent and now B”H, as a great grandparent. Those were wonderful and exciting years. I am sure that many of you feel the same. I am looking forward to meeting and greeting many of you, parents, teachers, alumnae and friends of Bais Yaakov at the forthcoming Celebration of Bais Yaakov’s Women’s Gala Event. As we do so, I am sure that many of us will reminisce and remember the administrators and teachers whomwe knew and loved. With a sense of gratitude, we want to express our thanks to them for howmuch they did for us, howmuch they sacrificed for us and howmuch they taught us. It is with great kavod to those who are not with us anymore. We recall Rabbi Meir Moshe Haber, zt”l, the first principal of the EvaWiner High School. It is to him that we owe the creation of the G.O., the constitution of the G.O., the G.O. inter Bais Yaakov convention, the yearbook, and Production, albeit that it was on a much smaller scale since we were only forty-five girls in grades seven through twelve when I graduated in 1959 as a member of the first graduating class. Rabbi Hirsch Diskind, zt”l, who established the direction and neshama of Bais Yaakov in its most formative years. The establishment of the High School is greatly due to his credit. As a visionary, Rabbi Diskind dedicated his life to teaching us how to go bederech yisroel saba. There was no sacrifice that was beyond Rabbi Diskind. Whatever we all are today is due to Rabbi Diskind’s credit. Rabbi Binyomin Steinberg, zt”l, assumed the principalship of the High School after the sudden petirah of Rabbi Haber. As we all recall, Rabbi Steinberg was a masterful teacher and scholar. He could step into any classroom and take over as though he had prepared the lesson. He lived and breathed Bais Yaakov. Each talmida was treated as a daughter. There were no hours to his day when he needed to do something involving Bais Yaakov. Rabbi Mendel Freedman,zt”l, followed in the footsteps of his illustrious father-in-law, Rabbi Diskind. To Rabbi Freedman, each talmida received special attention. When someone had an allergy to peanuts, he created “A peanut-free school.” When someone needed special care for a disability, he went out of his way to provide it, no matter what effort it cost him. Every time that he could mainstream a talmida, he was extremely happy and proud of her accomplishment. We cannot talk about Bais Yaakov without thinking about Mr. Henry P. Cohn, zt”l, Mr. M. Leo Storch, zt”l, and Rabbi Ari S. Neuberger, zt”l. As students we may not have known about these men who were the Presidents of Bais Yaakov. These were the men who were tasked with keeping Bais Yaakov afloat, both in ruchius and gashmius. They cared for Bais Yaakov and supported Bais Yaakov as one would do for one’s own child. Without their vision and very hard work, we would not be here today. Of course there were also in the earlier days, Rabbi and Mrs. Wolk, zt”l, who gave so much to us in school and out of school. When we needed a math teacher for algebra, he stepped in and taught us so well. In limudei kodesh, his classes were exciting. Mrs. Wolk, just by her personality, taught us what it meant to be a baalas emunah and a tzenuah. I could go on, but I think this is long enough. I have chosen to write about those who are not here anymore so as to bring zechusim to their neshamos. The women who worked for Bais Yaakov as volunteers will be mentioned in the program. We remember all of them letov, for without their work, we could not have existed. Many of us today are either children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, or even great great grandchildren of these special and illustrious women. It is with great pleasure that I join in honoring and recognizing our wonderful teachers who truly give heart and soul to our talmidos. It is so fitting that many of the honorees are also talmidos of Bais Yaakov. They follow in the footsteps of their teachers and give themselves over devotedly to their talmidos. May Hashem bless themwith hatzlacha and good health for many years to come. May they see much nachas from their own beautiful families. I eagerly look forward to sharing this exciting, inspiring and uplifting evening with you as we celebrate Bais Yaakov. MRS. ROCHEL ROCHKIND HONORARY CHAIRWOMAN
Mr. Binyomin Deitsch, Director of Finance Mrs. Michal Statfeld, Business Manager Mrs. Rochel Singer, Tuition Office Bais Yaakov School for Girls EXECUTIVEOFFICE STAFF
Mrs. Rena Glazer Mrs. Ayala Gross Mrs. Perel Simpson Mrs. Chanz Taragin
FACILITIES Mr. Binyomin Margolese, Director Mrs. Eve Messing, Plant Manager
Mrs. Ora Attar Mrs. Yaffa Gluck Mrs. Gila Libersohn Mrs. Simona Markowitz Mr. Stanton Rosenberg Mrs. Miriam Schechter Mrs. Gitty Sternman Mr. Tzvi Wygoda TECHNOLOGY STAFF
Mr. Kerith Duhaney Mr. Leon Duhaney Mr. Swevon King Mr. Brandon Parker Mr. Keith Pope Mr. Milon Quinlan Mr. Ralph Taylor Mr. Jack Thomas
Bais Yaakov School For Girls EARLY LEARNING CENTER Faculty and Staff Mrs. Pearl Rosensaft, Director Mrs. Bassie Goldenberg, Assistant Director Mrs. Jackie Wolf, Secretary Mrs. Yaffa Arieh Miss Liora Baalhaness Mrs. Chava Baskin Miss Inbal Batyonathan
Mrs. Polina Birger Mrs. Chaya Blatt Mrs. Sora Eisgrau Mrs. Tzipora Fakheri Mrs. Ann Frank Mrs. Dana Goldman Mrs. Miriam Greenhaus Mrs. Sarah B. Sanders Mrs. Karyn Grossman Mrs. Tova Horowitz Mrs. Faigie Kasten Mrs. Claudette Kessler Mrs. Maya Kleiner Miss Gavriella Krausz Ms. Henchie Lege Miss Rivka Marks Mrs. Rivky Mutterperl Mrs. Rhona Plunka Mrs. Rachel Reihani Mrs. Lisa Shasho Mrs. Felor Shoob Miss Pnina Spiro Miss Toni Vurgaftman Mrs. Mira Winokur Mrs. Rachelle Zedner -18-
Bais Yaakov School For Girls JOSEPH AND CORINNE SCHWARTZ PRESCHOOL Faculty and Staff Mrs. Miriam Trout, Preschool Director Mrs. Etty Wolf, Assistant Director Mrs. Penina Flamm, Art Mrs. Chayala Isbee, Second Step Mrs. Sheera Rosskamm, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Hayley Bazelon Mrs. Marcia Bitman Mrs. Batsheva Cherniak Mrs. Suri Cohen Mrs. Margalit Dresdner Mrs. Shaina Drukman Mrs. Sara Edelman Mrs. Sharon Englander Mrs. Esti Erenthal Mrs. Dena Freedman Mrs. Yael Goffin Mrs. Sandra Golburgh Mrs. Yehudis Goldenberg Mrs. Dana Goldman Mrs. Tayna Goldstein Mrs. Rivka Golfeyz Mrs. Esti Greenstein
Mrs. Chani Hamaoui Mrs. Basya Kadish Mrs. Tamar Kaplowitz Mrs. Chaya Karp Mrs. Devori Kasnett Mrs. Gitty Katz Mrs. Debbie Kessler Mrs. Alyson Lerner Miss Miriam Lesnik Mrs. Shira Malachevsky Mrs. Sara Meisler Mrs. Hinda Moskovitz Miss Sara Nelkin Mrs. Rivka Preiserowicz Mrs. Michal Raczkowski Mrs. Yehudis Rand Mrs. Shelley Rosen
Mrs. Chavie Rothschild Miss Dassie Schabes Mrs. Lisa Schabes Miss Chana Schubert Mrs. Soro Rochel Schuck Mrs. Shaindy Shear Miss Shani Shear Mrs. Tami Stal Mrs. Yocheved Verschleisser Mrs. Rikki Volosov Mrs. Adena Weinberg Mrs. Bina Weiner Miss Debby Weintraub Mrs. Shani Wolfish
Bais Yaakov School For Girls PHILIP AND SHIRLEY HURWITZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Administration and Office Staff
Rabbi Yitzchok Sanders, Principal, Lower Division Rabbi Yochanon Stein, Principal, Upper Division Mrs. Liora Rosen, Lower Elementary Limudei Kodesh Coordinator Mrs. Molly Horwitz, Lower Elementary General Studies Coordinator Mrs. Chaya Hoffman, Upper Elementary Limudei Kodesh Coordinator Mrs. Pnina Jacobovitz, Upper Elementary General Studies Coordinator Miss Penina Goldstein, Coordinator of Special Education Mrs. Libby Kraft, Guidance Counselor Mrs. Rachell Tajerstein, Guidance Counselor Mrs. Atara Naiman, Nurse Mrs. Rochel Leah Gewirtz, Nurse
Mrs. Shira Langer, Librarian Mrs. Cheryl Greenfield, Gym Mr. Stanton Rosenberg, I.T.
Elementary School Office Staff Mrs. Zelda Baskin, Lower Elementary Mrs. Pepi Cohen, Receptionist Mrs. Gila Fayz, Lower Elementary Miss Rachayl Gold, Receptionist Mrs. Arlene Gittleson, Copyologist Miss Chana Horowitz, Upper Elementary Mrs. Sarah Devorah Kerzner, Upper Elementary Mrs. Yocheved Roth, Lower Elementary
Bais Yaakov School For Girls PHILIP AND SHIRLEY HURWITZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Lower Elementary Faculty and Staff
Mrs. Deborah Alper Mrs. Rivky Anisfeld Mrs. Yehudis Bamberger Mrs. Dassie Barr Mrs. Nechama Berger Mrs. Essie Berkovich Mrs. Rivki Brecher Mrs. Goldie Caplan Mrs. Tziporah Cohen Mrs. Edit Dinovitzer Mrs. Emily Feinberg Mrs. Esti Feldheim Mrs. Shulamit Gartenhaus Mrs. Tova Gertel Miss Rachayl Gold Mrs. Yehudis Goldenberg Mrs. Devora Goldstein Mrs. Rena Goldstein Mrs. Tayna Goldstein Mrs. Ilana Grosberg Mrs. Naomi Hefter Mrs. Chaya Fraida Heinemann Miss Aydel Herskowitz Mrs. Devora Herskowitz Mrs. Rochel Devorah Hill
Mrs. Barbara Horowitz Mrs. Brachie Kosman Mrs. Shoshana Kruger Mrs. Dorie Lauer Mrs. Miriam Levine Mrs. Aviva Marks Mrs. Simi Mittleman Mrs. Lisa Schabes Mrs. Priva Schwartz Miss Yael Schwartz Miss Esther Shapiro Mrs. Aviva Silber Mrs. Dina Steinharter Mrs. Gittel Treitel Miss Esther Trevino Mrs. Chaya Waldbaum Mrs. Bracha Weinberger Mrs. Sora Bracha Wolf Mrs. Eileen Norris Mrs. Shelley Rosen Miss Miriam Esther Ruderman
Bais Yaakov School For Girls PHILIP AND SHIRLEY HURWITZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Upper Elementary Faculty and Staff
Miss Mindy Abraham Mrs. Malkey Adler Mrs. Yehudis Bamberger Mrs. Stacey Baron
Miss Miriam Nelkin Miss Yehudis Neuberger Mrs. Judy Neuberger Mrs. Hinda Neumann Mrs. Rechale Purec Mrs. Chedva Reidler Mrs. Rochel Rubin Mrs. Toby Sauer Mrs. Leah Schulman Miss Yael Schwartz Mrs. Nechama Shamouelian Mrs. Judy Stein Mrs. Gittel Treitel Mrs. Chaya Waldbaum Mrs. Malka Wecker Miss Esther Yair
Mrs. Dassie Barr Mrs. Yafa Basner
Miss Rochel Berger Mrs. Essie Berkovich Miss Chomie Bernstein Mrs. Esther Feldheim Mrs. Rachel Gedalius Mrs. Devora Goldstein Mrs. Ilana Grosberg Mrs. Esther Hazan Mrs. Devora Herskowitz Mrs. Shulamis Juravel Mrs. Batya Kahn Mrs. Sarah Malka Katz Mrs. Ruth Kinzer Mrs. Chanie Kranz Mrs. Sara Lerner Mrs. Rachel Mandelbaum Mrs. Ashira Mirsky Mrs. Hinda Moskovitz
Bais Yaakov School For Girls RABBI BENJAMIN STEINBERG MIDDLE SCHOOL Administration and Office Staff
Rabbi Naftoli Hexter, Principal Rabbi Shaul Engelsberg, Principal Mrs. Brenda Sherman, Limudei Kodesh Coordinator Mrs. Gitti Horowitz, General Studies Coordinator Mrs. Chanita Felder, Coordinator of Students Mrs. Miriam Schechter, IT
Mrs. Chaya Statman, Librarian Mrs. Tammy Reischer, Nurse
Mrs. Fayge Friedman, Shemesh Coordinator Mrs. Malka Yasnyi, Learning Center Supervisor
Secretarial Staff: Mrs. Sossie Ansbacher Miss Atara Feld Miss Beila Haor Miss Yocheved Horowitz Mrs. Riffy Klainberg Mrs. Ahuva Rappaport Mrs. Shani Rosenbaum
Bais Yaakov School For Girls RABBI BENJAMIN STEINBERG MIDDLE SCHOOL Faculty and Staff
Teachers: Mrs. Sossie Ansbacher Mrs. Avigail Azman Miss Temima Baalhaness Mrs. Blimi Barkin Mrs. Rena Berger Mrs. Atara Berman Miss Chomi Bernstein Mrs. Shira Bronfin Miss Rachel Broodo Mrs. Chana Burns Mrs. Rassie Burstein Mrs. Leah Ciment Mrs. Sandy Cohen Miss Malky Davidson Miss Adina Edelman Mrs. Shirli Edelstone Mrs. Chana Eichorn Mrs. Inbal Elman Mrs. Sara Feigenbaum Miss Atara Feld Mrs. Gitty Feldman Mrs. Chani Flam Mrs. Daniella Flamm Mrs. Shuli Frand Mrs. Chana Gerstein Mrs. Tanya Gerstman Mrs. Rochelle Goldberg Mrs. Devorah Gottlieb Miss Shayndl Green Mrs. Sara Gross Mrs. Sura Esther Hakkakian Miss Shoshana Halberstam Mrs. Rivka Hammelburger Mrs. Naomi Herskowitz Miss Aydel Herskowitz
Miss Esti Hexter Mrs. Meira Horowitz Mrs. Tova Horowitz Miss Yocheved Horowitz Mrs. Bracha Katz Mrs. Riffy Klainberg Mrs. Rachel Klyne Mrs. Malka Kohen Mrs. Rena Krasner Mrs. Marcie Kreindler Mrs. Raizy Kulik Mrs. Tzivia Lax Mrs. Chana Shira Lebovits Mrs. Nusy Lefkovitz Miss Sorala Lurie Miss Chasya Lurie Mrs. Ariel Lutch Mrs. Naomi Mandel Mrs. Naomi Meisler Miss Nechama Meister Mrs. Miriam Mellman Miss Shevie Mellman Mrs. Shuli Mensh Miss Hinda Meth Mrs. Chani Meyerowitz Mrs. Leah Rivka Mond Mrs. Sharlene Pleeter Miss Chaya Polsky Mrs. Devorah Polsky Mrs. Bracha Rappaport Mrs. Malka Reznitsky Mrs. Nechama Robinson Miss Adina Rochkind Mrs. Shari Rochkind Mrs. Laya Rosenbaum Mrs. Shani Rosenbaum
Mrs. Rivka Rothman Mrs. Ahuva Rozwaski Mrs. Sara Rachel Salhanick Mrs. Nava Samber Mrs. Rebecca Samuels Mrs. Toby Sauer Mrs. Esther Schabes Miss Esther Schubert Mrs. Shani Schultz Mrs. Shaina Segal Miss Chana Miriam Selig Miss Yehudis Shapiro Miss Rivka Sherman Mrs. Liora Shitrit Mrs. Sarah E. Shnaidman Mrs. Miriam Sobol Mrs. Shana Sobol Mrs. Feige Miryam Sofer Mrs. Sora Sosne Miss Ahuva Spetner Miss Michal Spigelman Mrs. Estee Steinberg Mrs. Libby Stengel Mrs. Tzivia Stern Mrs. Rochel Szendro Mrs. Elena Tal Miss Sorah Taragin Mrs. Rochel Vim Mrs. Leah Weiner Miss Esther Weiss Mrs. Grace Weissmann Mrs. Tova Wenger Mrs. Esther Rivkah Wiener Mrs. Judith Zapinsky Mrs. Raizel Zweig
Bais Yaakov School For Girls EVAWINER HIGH SCHOOL Administration and Office Staff
Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig, Principal Rabbi Yehoshua Shapiro, Associate Principal Mrs. Brenda Willner, Limudei Kodesh Coordinator Mrs. Elise Wolf, General Studies Principal Office Staff: Mrs. Rivka Zohn, Office Manager Mrs. Chana Lavi, Executive Administrative Assistant Miss Sarala Englander Miss Rebecca Geldwerth Mrs. Tova Chaya Shulman Mrs. Chayala Isbee, Guidance Counselor Mrs. Elisheva Shnidman, Supervisor SHEMESH Learning Center
Mrs. Judy Rosenberg, Librarian Mrs. Adina Rishe, Senior Advisor Mrs. Rochel Strauss, Special Studies Coordinator
Bais Yaakov School For Girls EVAWINER HIGH SCHOOL Faculty and Staff
Teachers: Mrs. Rivky Abraham Mrs. Shira Abramovitz Mrs. Leah Abramson Mrs. Beth Adler Mrs. Goldie Atlas Mrs. Ora Attar Mrs. Sara Back Mrs. Nechama Benyowitz Miss Devorah Bienstock Mrs. Sara Bienstock Mrs. Sara B. Blumenfeld Mrs. Orah Buehler Mrs. Chaya Dachs Mrs. Shoshanna Daniel Miss Malky Davidson Mrs. Orah Eshaghian Miss Atara Feld Mrs. Ruth Felder Mrs. Esti Feldheim Rabbi Akiva Feldman Mrs. Malka Feldman Mrs. Yehudis Feldman Mrs. Gitty Feldman Mrs. Dina Felsman Mrs. Rivki Fialkoff Mrs. Yehudit Finegold Mrs. Hadassah Flamm Mrs. Penina Flamm Miss Rebecca Geldwerth Mrs. Aviva Gluck Mrs. Malki Goldberg Rabbi Emanuel Goldfeiz Mrs. Naomi Goldman Miss Nechy Goode Mrs. Nechama Green Mrs. Sora Greenlinger Mrs. Chaya Greenwald Mrs. Elisheva Hauptman Miss Leah Hauptman
Mrs. Chana Hendler Rabbi Shraga Herskowitz Mrs. Ilana Hoenlein Mrs. Chavi Horowitz Mrs. Miriam Ickovitz Mrs. Pnina Jacobovitz Mrs. Naamah Jakubowicz Mrs. Chana Kagan Mrs. Adena Katz Mrs. Ranelle Kibel Mrs. Ruth Kinzer Mrs. Ferne Klapper Mrs. Bluma Kosterlitz Mrs. Devora Krakauer Mrs. Faige Kramer Mrs. Shoshana Krupp Mrs. Ruchama Landa Miss Naomi Lando Miss Ahuva Langer Mrs. Zehava Lefkovitz Miss Temima Leshnoff Mrs. Aliza Loeb Mrs. Bluma Loeb Mrs. Chaya Sara Mandel Miss Yehudis Markowitz Mrs. Simona Markowitz Mrs. Rivka Maron Mrs. Lisa Meister Mrs. Eve Messing Mrs. Esther Meth Mrs. Shaindy Mintz Mrs. Rochelle Naiman Miss Sara Naiman Mrs. Gila Nelkin Mrs. Rochel Neuberger Mrs. Rivka Parizadeh Mrs. Rachell Ora Perlow Miss Zahava Pleeter Miss Baila Pollack Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein
Mrs. Bracha Rappaport Mrs. Elka Reisch Mrs. Esther Resnick Mrs. Malka Reznitsky Mrs. Shira Leah Ribakow Miss Basya Rochkind Mrs. Shari Rochkind Miss Adina Rochkind Mrs. Adina Rottenberg Mrs. Esther Rubin
Mrs. Rebecca Samuels Mrs. Bruchie Schulman Mrs. Sarena Schwartz Miss Tehilla Schwartz Mrs. Yocheved Freida Schwartz Mrs. Chaya Sher
Mrs. Devorah Shifrin Mrs. Goldie Silberberg Miss Fayga Smith Mrs. Reva Sonnenblick Mrs. Leeba Steen Mrs. Esther Sussman Mrs. Elena Tal Mrs. Miriam Tendler Mrs. Karyn Toso Mrs. Adina Turoff Mrs. Josie Vegh Mrs. Rochel Vim Mrs. Lois Volosov Mrs. Malka Waldman Rabbi Mendel Wax Mrs. Malkie Wealcatch Mrs. Shaina Wealcatch Mrs. Cherisse Weissman Mrs. Shuli Zeiger Mrs. Yael Zelinger Mrs. Devorah Ziffer Mrs. Malka Zweig
I n H onor O f the dedicated women of the Bais Yaakov Ladies Auxiliary and in profound appreciation of M rs . C hana B amberger President Emeritus Past Presidents of the Ladies Auxiliary Mrs. Pauline Davidavitz* Mrs. Shayna Golda Feldman* Mrs. Rochel Rochkind Mrs. Sarah Shane Mrs. Miriam Shnidman
Mrs. Laure Gutman* Mrs. Sophie Gutman* Mrs. Chana Kagan Mrs. Vera Marks* Mrs. Gussie Poliakoff* Mrs. Helen Raskas
Mrs. Sheila Simon Mrs. Betty Taragin* Mrs. Lilian Yudin* Mrs. Joyce Zuskin*
Honorary Vice Presidents Mrs. Rachel Adler*
Mrs. Celia Tatelbaum* Mrs. Gertrude Helfand* IN TRIBUTE to all those who were dedicated to Bais Yaakov during their lifetime *Deceased -27-
Bais Yaakov recognizes and wholeheartedly thanks PTA Committee Members
Mrs. Leah Dinner Mrs. Chani Engel Mrs. Elizabeth Rothstein Mrs. Ahuva Tropper for their tireless work on behalf of the Bais Yaakov PTA. The “extras” you bring to the school and the “extra” effort you put into each project are extremely appreciated by the students, faculty, and entire school. May Hashem grant you continued success together with your families.
BAIS YAAKOV SCHOOL FOR GIRLS To acknowledge: ...a simcha ...a milestone act of kindness or generosity ...recovery from illness ...or a condolence with a donation to Bais Yaakov
Please Call: Bais Yaakov 443-548-7700 x 307 Cards can be purchased to keep at home for your convenience. $4 PER CARD $5 IF MAILED BY BAIS YAAKOV 10 CARDS FOR $25
JOIN US IN THE COUNTDOWN TO CAMP! 13 DAYS UNTIL THE SUMMER OF A LIFETIME, THAT'S ONLY 312 HOURS OR 118,720 MINUTES, OR 1,123,200 SECONDS REMAINING... AND YES, WE ARE COUNTING! U IN THE DO N TO CAMP! 107 DAYS UNTIL THE SUMMER OF A LIFETIME, THAT’S ONLY 2,568 HOURS OR 154,080 MINUTES, R 9,244,800 SECONDS REMAINING... AND YES, WE ARE COUNTING! HOWEVER YOU COUNT IT, SUM ER IS JUST AR T e l f r ard to providing a super-amazing-fantastic su er in a wholesome Torah atmosphere! E sther R ibakow and A riella G runhut HOWEVER YOU COUNT IT, SUMMER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! We look forward to providing a super-amazing-fantastic summer in a wholesome Torah atmosphere! Esther Ribakow and Ariella Grunhut
BAIS YAAKOVWOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS APPRECIATION to the generous volunteers and businesses who donate their time and money to the Certificate Program. This successful program contributes over $350,000 to the annual budget for scholarship needs and is a vital project that could not exist without the following individuals and businesses. Thank you to our exceptional volunteers who give of their own time selling gift cards for the Certificate Program. Certificate Purchasing Centers: Devora Krakauer - 424 Yeshiva Lane 410-484-7876 Rivkah Horowitz - 3107 Parkington 410-466-0037 Lisa Seidel - 3201 Szold Avenue 410-764-1780 Tova Schechter - 1057 Flagtree Ln 410-484-7511 Executive Office - 443-548-7700 x 503 Middle School - 443-548-7700 x 200 Elementary School - 443-548-7700 x 307
Gift cards to the following national stores are available for purchase. Purchases are applicable towards your family obligation of $7,500. The following gift cards are always available at the Business office located in the new Mrs. Laure Gutman Building x503. Take advantage of our well-loved and used Delivery Service. Place your order at by 2 pm Mon through Thurs (when there is school) and we will have your order delivered to you same night.
Market Maven ($100) Macy’s ($25, $100) Michaels ($25) Neiman Marcus ($50) Office Depot ($25, $100)$10,$25,$100) Barnes & Noble ($5, $10, $25) Bath & Body Works ($10) Bed Bath & Beyond ($25, $100) BP gas ($100, $250) Build-a-Bear ($25) Burlington Coat Factory ($25) Coffee Bean ($25) Children’s Place ($25)
Payless ($20) Rite Aid ($25)
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Giant, Market Maven, Seven Mile Market, Shoppers, Shop Rite, Target and Walmart Gift Cards also available at: Tova Schechter–1057 Flagtree Ln (410) 484-7511 Devorah Krakauer –424 Yeshiva Ln 410-484-7876 Rivkah Horowitz – 3107 Parkington 410-466-0037 Lisa Seidel – 3201 Szold Avenue 410-764-1780 Elementary School – 443-548-7700 x 307
M. LEO STORCH Z"L M. Leo Storch ZT”L His Ideals… OUR GUIDE His Ideals… OUR GUIDE
His Inspiration… OUR HOPE His Inspiration… OUR HOPE His Memory… OUR BLESSING His Memory… OUR BLESSING
Bais Yaakov School for Girls
Henry P. Cohn ZT”L Over forty years of dedicated service to Bais Yaakov HENRY P. COHN Z"L Over forty years of dedicated service to Bais Ya kov
A shining example of ehrlichkeit. A shining example of total ehrlichkeit.
A Lamed Vovnik with a bowtie (a statement attributed to Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l) A Lamed Vovnik with a bowtie (a statement attributed to Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l)
Rabbi Binyomin Steinberg ZT”L We continue to dearly cherish the lessons of our unforgettable Principal As time goes on, we continue to dearly cherish the lessons of our unforgettable Principal RABBI BINYOMIN STEINBERG ZT”L
Rabbi Hirsch Diskind ZT”L The life of Rabbi Diskind, zt”l lif f i is i , t"l RABBI HIRSCH DISKIND ZT”L
reflected the dreams and aspirations of the Jewish people throughout the centuries. r t t r i ti f t i l t t t t ri . His love and commitment to Torah and Mitzvos as well as to another Jew guided him and direct d him in all is endeavors. His love and commitment to Torah and Mitzvos as well as to all other Jews guided and directed him in all his endeavors.
Rabbi Mendel D. Freedman ZT”L
Rabbi Freedman ZT”L created an individualized environment in which he brought all of his talmidos close to Hashem and His Torah. We miss his warmth and guidance.
Bais Yaakov would like to thank the lay and professional leadership of THE ASSOCIATED Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore and its supporters
for their guidance, leadership and strong support of our school and our community. Moshe Dov Shurin - President Dovid Feinberg - Vice President Tzvi Schwartz - Vice President and Secretary Jacob Slone - Vice President, Finance Ari Krupp - Treasurer Rabbi Zalman Nissel - Chief Executive Officer Rabbi Aaron Gross - Director of Development
M rs. Sora Rochel Schuck grew up in Baltimore attending Bais Yaakov. A warm, caring and nurturing person, Mrs. Schuck is a natural born teacher and had always desired to work with children. After earning her degree in Education, Mrs. Schuck began teaching Bais Yaakov’s youngest and most impressionable students in the preschool. Morah Sora Rochel is an energetic and enthusiastic champion of preschool learning experiences in both nursery and kindergarten classes. Her caring and empathetic manner helps the girls acclimate to their new school environment with ease. Employing a multi-sensory approach to education, Morah Sora Rochel endeavors to promote higher functioning and help each child succeed. Her creative projects are educational and fun and she carefully structures lessons to optimize learning opportunities in an exciting and enjoyable context. From showing our youngest girls how to pick up pom-pom balls with tongs and developing fine motor skills, to enabling kindergarteners to master pages of three syllable words in kriah, Morah Sora Rochel gives our preschoolers the skills, love and consistency they need to grow successfully. Morah Sora Rochel is careful to ensure that her classroom has a perfect balance of play and direction and utilizes less structured times to teach important lessons about middos and healthy interpersonal relationships. She infuses her classroom with her infectious positive energy and her young pupils look forward to their time spent learning and growing under her loving direction. Morah Sora Rochel masterfully lays the educational and social foundation in Bais Yaakov’s precious preschoolers, expertly preparing them for their years in elementary and beyond. Bais Yaakov is fortunate to be celebrating thirty years with Morah Sora Rochel as an exemplary member of its faculty. Mrs. Sora Rochel Schuck MRS. CHYANNE GREENFIELD A”H CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD To know Mrs. Chyanne Greenfield A”H was to love her. She was a beloved morah, mentor and col- league and a true friend to all in Bais Yaakov. A gentle and kind spirit, Morah Chyanne possessed a quiet strength and incredible emunah. She embraced Hashem’s will with steadfast bitachon and an unwavering ayin tova. With her signature smile, soft laugh and scrupulous adherence to shmiras halashon, she was as sensitive with her students as she was with her friends and colleagues. Easy going, caring and a living example of tzniyus in both appearance and action, Morah Chyanne was an exceptional role model to all.
M rs. Judy Neuberger grew up in Boro Park where she attended Bais Yaakov of Boro Park. Soon after her seminary year, she began teaching at her alma mater. Upon marrying her husband, Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, Mrs. Neuberger moved to Baltimore where she brought her incredible talent to her third grade classroom. After taking a hiatus to raise her beautiful family, Mrs. Neuberger returned to the classroom and has never left. In fact, she often jokes that she never graduated third grade. Rabbi and Mrs. Neuberger created a home filled with Torah and chessed and in which chinuch habanos was paramount. It is no wonder that many of their children have chosen this noble profession as well. The quintessential teacher’s teacher, Mrs. Neuberger is sought out regularly by colleagues for her sage advice, insightful guidance and educational acumen. She supports and encourages her fellow teachers and is a valued mentor to her peers. Mrs. Neuberger is deeply committed to the development of the whole child and spends countless hours each year creatively designing and implementing the elementary school-wide program which inspires and uplifts and inculcates middos tovos and a sense of Jewish continuity and pride in our Bais Yaakov talmidos. Mrs. Neuberger is a skills-based, yet imaginative master teacher, who crafts organized well thought- out lessons. Her classroom is structured, yet warm and she has the innate knack of reaching each student and fostering growth. She sees the goodness and potential in each girl and endeavors to develop it. Mrs. Neuberger’s songs are legendary. With catchy tunes and lyrics encompassing a vast array of topics, these special songs are ingrained in generations of students. Recent alumnae and graduates from years ago have an impressive repertoire of Torah knowledge and often find themselves singing the familiar and much beloved tunes. Wholly focused on the success of Bais Yaakov and always willing to lend an extremely capable hand, Mrs. Judy Neuberger has been selfless in her devotion to the school. When uniforms were instituted in Bais Yaakov, Mrs. Neuberger volunteered her time and her home to house the uniforms and outfit the students. She did this for many years until necessity dictated that the uniforms be outsourced. Additionally, Mrs. Neuberger directed many ninth grade plays and spearheaded many sixth grade bas mitzvah programs. Her contributions to the institution of Bais Yaakov and its students are immeasurable. Mrs. Judy Neuberger RABBI MENDEL D. FREEDMAN Z”L CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD Rabbi Mendel D. Freedman Z”L was an extraordinarily passionate and innovative mechanech who was wholly devoted to the betterment of Bais Yaakov and the success of its students and faculty. Firmly believing that every young woman is entitled to a Bais Yaakov education, he was a pioneer in instituting policies and accommodations for students with special needs. He utilized technology creatively and effectively, always seeking to expand educational opportunity. Under his proficient leadership, Bais Yaakov flourished as he genuinely and deeply cared about each of his talmidos and was a true mentor to the hundreds of teachers who served under him. -40-
M rs. Debi Alper grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Her desire to teach emerged very early on and stems from wonderful memories of playing ‘school’ with her sister, Ricki. She graduated from Tilden High School, obtained her Bachelor’s degree from Brooklyn College and completed a Master’s degree in Education at Staten Island University. With her deeply creative spirit and signature artistic flair, Mrs. Alper taught Music, Kindergarten, Elementary school and Junior high school before marrying her husband, Alan, and moving to Baltimore where, together, they raised their beautiful family. An exceptionally hands on and caring mother and grandmother, Mrs. Alper babysits her grandchildren each morning before she enters Bais Yaakov. Her love of all children is apparent in both her family life and her professional life. For the past thirty years, Mrs. Debi Alper has been truly dedicated to the students of Bais Yaakov. Deeply devoted to her craft, Mrs. Alper identifies the potential in each student and tailors her teaching to enable each girl to succeed. She inspires young readers, writers and mathematicians to utilize their abilities and nurtures the growth of every child. She is innovative and is constantly instituting exciting methods in her teaching, always keeping things fresh. Determined to engage each student, Mrs. Alper uses reward systems which incentivize and excite. She teaches using progressive mediums such as arts and crafts and music and spends countless hours patiently putting on intricate plays with her class, thereby developing the whole child and giving every girl the opportunity to shine. Mrs. Alper’s broad smile is a reflection of her positive attitude and that positive energy is always shared with her students. She is a special teacher because of her exceptional ability to connect with each student. Mrs. Alper is a truly outstanding master educator because of her love for her students and her desire to ensure that each child reaches her full potential. Mrs. Debi Alper MRS. ESTHER TENDLER A”H CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD
Mrs. Esther Tendler A”H was officially known as Bais Yaakov’s “School Nurse.” Yet, she was so much more to our students, teachers and staff. Mrs. Tendler was a caring heart, a lending ear and an invaluable fountain of wisdom and support. She had a truly regal bearing and a deep love for every member of klal yisroel. Her simchas hachaim was infectious and her staunch bitachon in Hashem was inspirational. She touched the lives of all in Bais Yaakov in an irreplaceable way.
M rs. Estee Steinberg deeply values the teaching profession and treasures the task of educating the children of klal yisroel. She hails from a chinuch family with a longstanding commitment to chinuch habanim ubanos. Mrs. Steinberg is the daughter of Rabbi Simcha and Naomi Kaufman. Her esteemed father, Rabbi Kaufman is a rebbe in Torah Temimah and was the head counselor of Camp Agudah for over fifty years, while her mother was a morah in BYA of Brooklyn for many decades. Mrs. Steinberg attended BYA for high school and then attended Bais Yaakov of Yerushalayim. Her up-bringing instilled in her a passion for כלי קודש and solidified her desire to enter and remain in the world of chinuch. Upon her marriage to Rabbi Shimmy Steinberg, she moved to Baltimore and joined the Bais Yaakov faculty. In addition to her devotion to teaching, Mrs. Steinberg has also shared her talents with the Baltimore community by directing the Bais Yaakov camp for 16 years. Mrs. Steinberg is well known for running an organized and structured classroom in which expectations and goals are clearly understood. She has successfully taught hundreds of sixth graders by combining her deep understanding of children, her passion for imparting skills and knowledge, and her expertise in classroom management. She conveys well planned lessons in an inspiring, interesting and methodical manner so that all students can grasp the material. Her lessons never get stale because she constantly reassesses her curriculum, introducing new concepts and employing new techniques. She fully embraces any new methodologies and programs that the principals institute, and she is always enthusiastic about the Rosh Chodesh and GO programs. Most importantly, Mrs. Steinberg truly believes that what her students are being offered at Bais Yaakov is for their great benefit and her positivity is reflected in her students’ accomplishments! Mrs. Steinberg is not only happy to teach at Bais Yaakov, but she is pleased and proud to be the mother of four daughters who graduated from Bais Yaakov, and two daughters and a granddaughter currently attending the school. Mrs. Estee Steinberg MRS. ELKY KLEINER A”H CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD
Mrs. Elky Kleiner A”H was the paradigm of chesed, tznius and emunah. A gifted historia teacher, she brought Jewish history to life. Mrs. Kleiner understood the value of knowing and appreciating our gedolim and directed the Gedolei Yisroel Program, dedicating much time and effort to insure its success. She adored her students and spent countless hours making sure their needs were met both inside and outside of the classroom. As the eighth grade counselor, she listened, advised and guided with love. Her warmth, compassion and sensitivity were unparalleled.
M rs. Sandy Cohen hails from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She began her the summer of 1987 with her husband, Rabbi Abba Cohen, Vice President of Government Affairs and Washington Director of Agudath Israel of America. Mrs. Cohen, who had taught in HAFTR of Five Towns for ten years, was looking forward to spending a year home with her children when she received a phone call from Rabbi Benjamin Steinberg, zt”l offering her a positon in math — thus ending her dream of a “sabbatical.” Mrs. Cohen and Math are synonymous at the middle school. She tackles her Math instruction with wit and creativity, making a subject that is difficult for many fun and rewarding. The students adore Mrs. Cohen. They know that she cares about more than their academic achievements; she cares about them as individuals. She dances with them at chagigahs, chaperones trips, dresses up for Purim, and dramatically and comically performs in teacher plays. When asked what she loves best about teaching in Bais Yaakov, Mrs. Cohen responded, “I really love going to school and teaching the students. I love the interaction with the students and trying to impart math concepts and understanding of the topics. I always feel gratified when I see personal growth and confidence in the students. I also feel that Bais Yaakov has an amazing faculty in the Middle School- there is a lot of warmth and camaraderie. I have such deep respect and admiration for Rabbi Hexter, Mrs. Horowitz and Mrs. Sherman and feel fortunate to work with them.” It is clear that Mrs. Cohen and Bais Yakov have a mutual admiration for each other, which benefits both the students and the school. Mrs. Sandy Cohen MRS. MICHELLE JAKOBOVITS A”H CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD Mrs. Michelle Jakobovits A”H was an exemplary role model to the middle school students, faculty and staff; her ever present smile a reflection of her true simchas hachaim. She was a selfless woman of tremendous strength, humility and optimism. With her trademark equanimity and flexibility, Mrs. Jakobovits rendered challenging situations manageable and calm. She exuded warmth which, coupled with her ayin tova, enabled her to foster deep connections with students and colleagues. Her chesed, simcha and steadfast emunah have left an indelible mark on Bais Yaakov. -43- education in Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh and graduated from the prestigious Brandeis University with a degree in Psychology. Math was always her passion and while teaching in public school, she received her math teaching license for grades seven through twelve. Mrs. Cohen moved to Baltimore in
M rs. Brenda Willner grew up in Boston and attended the local elementary school there. She furthered her formal Jewish education in Yavneh in Cleveland and finally in Bais Yaakov Seminary in Williamsburg. She began studying at Brooklyn College, planning to major in Biology, but instead moved to Baltimore when she married her husband, Rabbi Zvi Willner. It was at that point that Mrs. Willner began teaching in Bais Yaakov and brought her lifelong love of learning to her classroom where she transmits her passion for Torah to her students each day. Mrs. Willner has been a much beloved and esteemed teacher and administrator in Bais Yaakov for over fifty years. She has immeasurably enhanced the lives of generations of students and it has become a true rite of passage to learn in her classroom. In her inimitable and dignified style, she greets our high school students personally each morning; a living example of kol kvoda bas melech pnima. Involved in every aspect of student and faculty life, Mrs. Willner is an exemplary role model to teachers and students alike. She recognizes the inherent beauty and quiet strength in Jewish women as bnos Melech and encourages all to utilize the talents that Hashem has bestowed upon them to reach their full potential. With a listening ear and a warm heart, Mrs. Willner tirelessly devotes herself to making sure each student has a proper seminary placement. She transforms the often arduous and challenging seminary process into a palatable one in which students feel supported and know they have a staunch advocate who won’t rest until she best meets their unique needs. With her extensive knowledge in all areas of Tanach and a deep ahavas Torah, Mrs. Willner expertly prepares stimulating and engaging lessons on Chumash, Navi and Historia. She develops strong analytical and critical thinking skills in her students, as together, they delve into the text and draw hashkafa from it. She has a special gift of showing students how Torah applies practically to every aspect of their lives. The consummate educator, Mrs. Willner gives her students the tools to be able to learn on their own. Mrs. Brenda Willner MRS. LEAH STEINHARDT A”H CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD The wisdom of Mrs. Leah Steinhardt A”H was legendary. Her breadth of knowledge in all areas of Tanach and her ability to quote the words of chazal and pesukim with ease was exceptional. She was a master educator who truly cared about the wellbeing and success of each of her students. She modeled refinement and decorum and her strength of character, sense of purpose and unfailingness to stand up for what was right was extraordinary.
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