Gala Event Journal

M rs. Sora Rochel Schuck grew up in Baltimore attending Bais Yaakov. A warm, caring and nurturing person, Mrs. Schuck is a natural born teacher and had always desired to work with children. After earning her degree in Education, Mrs. Schuck began teaching Bais Yaakov’s youngest and most impressionable students in the preschool. Morah Sora Rochel is an energetic and enthusiastic champion of preschool learning experiences in both nursery and kindergarten classes. Her caring and empathetic manner helps the girls acclimate to their new school environment with ease. Employing a multi-sensory approach to education, Morah Sora Rochel endeavors to promote higher functioning and help each child succeed. Her creative projects are educational and fun and she carefully structures lessons to optimize learning opportunities in an exciting and enjoyable context. From showing our youngest girls how to pick up pom-pom balls with tongs and developing fine motor skills, to enabling kindergarteners to master pages of three syllable words in kriah, Morah Sora Rochel gives our preschoolers the skills, love and consistency they need to grow successfully. Morah Sora Rochel is careful to ensure that her classroom has a perfect balance of play and direction and utilizes less structured times to teach important lessons about middos and healthy interpersonal relationships. She infuses her classroom with her infectious positive energy and her young pupils look forward to their time spent learning and growing under her loving direction. Morah Sora Rochel masterfully lays the educational and social foundation in Bais Yaakov’s precious preschoolers, expertly preparing them for their years in elementary and beyond. Bais Yaakov is fortunate to be celebrating thirty years with Morah Sora Rochel as an exemplary member of its faculty. Mrs. Sora Rochel Schuck MRS. CHYANNE GREENFIELD A”H CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD To know Mrs. Chyanne Greenfield A”H was to love her. She was a beloved morah, mentor and col- league and a true friend to all in Bais Yaakov. A gentle and kind spirit, Morah Chyanne possessed a quiet strength and incredible emunah. She embraced Hashem’s will with steadfast bitachon and an unwavering ayin tova. With her signature smile, soft laugh and scrupulous adherence to shmiras halashon, she was as sensitive with her students as she was with her friends and colleagues. Easy going, caring and a living example of tzniyus in both appearance and action, Morah Chyanne was an exceptional role model to all.


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