Gala Event Journal


We always knew you were the best, it’s about time everyone else figured it out!

Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor! We all look up to you as you’ve been a role model for our family even longer than you’ve been for your students.

May you continue to have the כח (and the money) to inspire all of us and all of them!

Nosson and Tari Gavriel and Chaya Leah Yossi and Rivky Nachum andMalky AvrohomMoshe and Shevy Doniel and Yehudis

Shaul Baruch andMiriam Avromi and Batsheva Mordechai and Sara Toby Yisroel Meir &MiriamMalka

Eliyahu and Leah Dovid and Rochel


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