Gala Event Journal
She notices and plays with the children so shy To bring out their chein and raise their confidence high. If a student is leibidig, she soon will learn, too, That Morah Sora Rochel has tireless dancing shoes! And lest you think that this is all that she does, Just imagine what she shares with other Moros with love. She encourages, inspires and shares all that she makes To help her colleagues update their curriculum landscape. Beyond the classroom, we all know, The chesed she does is too much to show. Making a simcha, supporting a challenge, a carpool to drive, Morah Sora Rochel’s schedule resembles a beehive!
She models emunah and humility from which we can learn Being a Bubby, Mom, Daughter and Morah is worth more than we can earn. Family first is her true avodah And we love sharing in the happenings of her growing Mishpocha. Morah Sora Rochel, there’s much more to say About how we thank you for encouraging your talmidos each day! You fill their days with so much love and kedusha. May you be infinitely repaid with Bracha and Hatzlacha!
With tremendous love and respect, Morah Miriam Trout, PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR Morah Etty Wolf, ASSISTANT PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR
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