Gala Event Journal
We would like to extend a mazal tov to all the honorees, in particular to M RS . J UDY N EUBERGER , M RS . S ANDY C OHEN , M RS . B RENDA W ILLNER , AND M RS . F AIGE K RAMER
On this well-deserved honor.
We also want to recognize the contributions, commitment and talent of M RS . D ASSIE B ARR , M RS . R IVKA R OTHMAN AND M RS . S HIRA A BRAMOVITZ Thank you for all you have given our girls and the entire Bais Yaakov community.
ישלם שכרם
מי כל
ציבור הקב"ה
שעוסקים בצרכי באמו
A special yasher koach and thank you to T HE P RESCHOOL AND H IGH S CHOOL T EACHERS AND A DMINISTRATION For all of your efforts in behalf of our daughters Miri and Shimmy Yarmak
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