Gala Event Journal
Mazel Tov to all of tonight’s honorees on their most deserving honors. Our community and all of Klal Yisroel are fortunate to have benefited from your devotion to Bais Yaakov and helping our daughters grow into true Bnos Yisroel. A Special Mazel Tov to my Friends M RS . F AIGE K RAMER AND M RS . S HIRA A BRAMOVITZ For the special recognition they so deserve and for all of the support they have given me in the math department this year. A special thank you to our daughter Shaina’s amazing teachers. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to M RS . B EINSTOCK , M RS . H ENDLER , M RS . R ABENSTEIN AND M RS . W OLF For their care, concern and direct involvement in Shaina’s growth throughout her high school years. The combined efforts of the Administrators and teachers have helped make 12th grade and high school such a success. We also want to recognize our dearest friend, M RS . S ORA G REENLINGER For your total commitment and dedication to whatever Bais Yaakov needs. Your willingness to help knows no bounds. We would like to wish a tremendous Yasher Koach to everyone who has been involved to help make tonight’s special dinner such a success. I would like to specifically recognize, M RS . L AYAH G REENFIELD It has been a true pleasure to work with you on the parent committee. May Hashem continue to grant all of you the health and strength to continue doing all of the wonderful work you do for Bais Yaakov. It is our hope that Bais Yaakov be blessed to see continued siyata dishmaya and success in their holy and valuable efforts.
• Plat inum Sponsor • Mazel Tov! Ari and Shoshana Krupp
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