Gala Event Journal
M rs. Estee Steinberg deeply values the teaching profession and treasures the task of educating the children of klal yisroel. She hails from a chinuch family with a longstanding commitment to chinuch habanim ubanos. Mrs. Steinberg is the daughter of Rabbi Simcha and Naomi Kaufman. Her esteemed father, Rabbi Kaufman is a rebbe in Torah Temimah and was the head counselor of Camp Agudah for over fifty years, while her mother was a morah in BYA of Brooklyn for many decades. Mrs. Steinberg attended BYA for high school and then attended Bais Yaakov of Yerushalayim. Her up-bringing instilled in her a passion for כלי קודש and solidified her desire to enter and remain in the world of chinuch. Upon her marriage to Rabbi Shimmy Steinberg, she moved to Baltimore and joined the Bais Yaakov faculty. In addition to her devotion to teaching, Mrs. Steinberg has also shared her talents with the Baltimore community by directing the Bais Yaakov camp for 16 years. Mrs. Steinberg is well known for running an organized and structured classroom in which expectations and goals are clearly understood. She has successfully taught hundreds of sixth graders by combining her deep understanding of children, her passion for imparting skills and knowledge, and her expertise in classroom management. She conveys well planned lessons in an inspiring, interesting and methodical manner so that all students can grasp the material. Her lessons never get stale because she constantly reassesses her curriculum, introducing new concepts and employing new techniques. She fully embraces any new methodologies and programs that the principals institute, and she is always enthusiastic about the Rosh Chodesh and GO programs. Most importantly, Mrs. Steinberg truly believes that what her students are being offered at Bais Yaakov is for their great benefit and her positivity is reflected in her students’ accomplishments! Mrs. Steinberg is not only happy to teach at Bais Yaakov, but she is pleased and proud to be the mother of four daughters who graduated from Bais Yaakov, and two daughters and a granddaughter currently attending the school. Mrs. Estee Steinberg MRS. ELKY KLEINER A”H CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD
Mrs. Elky Kleiner A”H was the paradigm of chesed, tznius and emunah. A gifted historia teacher, she brought Jewish history to life. Mrs. Kleiner understood the value of knowing and appreciating our gedolim and directed the Gedolei Yisroel Program, dedicating much time and effort to insure its success. She adored her students and spent countless hours making sure their needs were met both inside and outside of the classroom. As the eighth grade counselor, she listened, advised and guided with love. Her warmth, compassion and sensitivity were unparalleled.
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