Gala Event Journal

An equation from the grandchildren’s book- D EAR B UBBY , Here is a math problem for you to solve: (Hint: There is only one right answer.) Loves beyond reason Factors in endless measures of jokes and games Adds in all of our favorite treats

And multiplies it by trips to the park and countless pizza pies (while our mommies sleep so they can’t FOIL the fun!) Analyzes our likes and dislikes from every angle and then calculates how to best make us happy. The solution? Our #1 Bubby! We love you a google plex! Yosef, Yisrael Meir, Big Dena, Elimelech, Nechama, Noach, Rochi, Little Dena, Middle Dena, and Elchonon Yosef

Mazel Tov To


On a well deserved honor

May you be zocha to continue educating, guiding and molding our young Bnos Yisroel in the Torah Derech for many more years to come

Yosie and Toby Zryl


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