Gala Event Journal
I n H onor O f the dedicated women of the Bais Yaakov Ladies Auxiliary and in profound appreciation of M rs . C hana B amberger President Emeritus Past Presidents of the Ladies Auxiliary Mrs. Pauline Davidavitz* Mrs. Shayna Golda Feldman* Mrs. Rochel Rochkind Mrs. Sarah Shane Mrs. Miriam Shnidman
Mrs. Laure Gutman* Mrs. Sophie Gutman* Mrs. Chana Kagan Mrs. Vera Marks* Mrs. Gussie Poliakoff* Mrs. Helen Raskas
Mrs. Sheila Simon Mrs. Betty Taragin* Mrs. Lilian Yudin* Mrs. Joyce Zuskin*
Honorary Vice Presidents Mrs. Rachel Adler*
Mrs. Celia Tatelbaum* Mrs. Gertrude Helfand* IN TRIBUTE to all those who were dedicated to Bais Yaakov during their lifetime *Deceased -27-
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