Gala Event Journal
GRANDMOTHER, MOTHER, DAUGHTER, AUNT, SISTER — All very impressive descriptions.
But the one that we celebrate is EDUCATOR!
Mazal Tov to our esteemed Park Heights colleagues, M ORAH J UDY N EUBERGER , M RS . D EBI A LPER , M ORAH S ORA R OCHEL S CHUCK , AND M ORAH D ASSIE B ARR and to all the honorees on this well deserved tribute.
With love and admiration from the Lower Elementary Staff:
Yehudis Bamberger, Zelda Baskin, Nechama Berger, Rivky Brecher, Tzipora Cohen, Edit Dinovitzer, Margalit Dresdner, Esti Feldheim, Shulamit Gartenhaus, Cheryl Greenfield, Devorah Goldstein, Tayna Goldstein, Yehudis Goldenberg, Ilana Grossberg, Chaya Fraida Heinemann, Rochel Devoiry Hill, Naomi Hefter, Aydel Herskowitz, Brachie Kosman, Shoshana Kruger, Dorie Lauer, Aviva Marks, Simy Mittleman, Shelley Rosen, Priva Schwartz, Yael Schwartz, Aviva Silber, Dena Steinharter, Gittel Treitel, Chaya Bracha Waldbaum, &Bracha Weinberger
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