Gala Event Journal
T O M RS . D ASSIE B ARR AND M RS . S HIRA A BRAMOVITZ Mazel Tov on your well deserved honors. You both exemplify the very best of Bais Yaakov educators through your limitless love and desire to teach and inspire. Our daughters, S HOSHANA AND A HUVA Have utmost respect, awe, and admiration for everything you do! T O THE I NCREDIBLE T EACHERS , P RINCIPALS , AND S TAFF OF B AIS Y AAKOV OF B ALTIMORE : We are truly appreciative of the total commitment, dedication, care and love you have provided our daughters. Their excitement to go to school, learn, study, explore, grow in their limudei kodesh and chol, excel in extracurricular activities, and develop everlasting friendships, stems from a teaching staff and administration that serve as superb role models in all aspects of education and life.
HaShem Yeshaleim Secharchem!
With deep gratitude, Aliza and Ronnie Samet
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