Gala Event Journal
This evening, we celebrate our 78th anniversary under the leadership of our President, Board of Directors, educational leadership, and faculty. Bais Yaakov, as a result, has merited to be acclaimed in the world of chinuch as one of the most outstanding mosdos in our time. We have earned this title of distinction not only through their מסירת נפש , but also because of their approach each year with a sense of renewed and refreshed excitement in their .עבודת הקודש As a development professional, I often hear stories of Bais Yaakov teachers who, through their love and caring for the students, left an everlasting impression on them throughout their lives. The stellar quality of the educational expertise of our faculty has been noted in many seminaries in Eretz Yisroel and elsewhere where our graduates have attended. Our mechanchos exemplify the 21st century of R’ Chiya’s approach, as described in mesechta Baba Metzia: A Bas Kol once told Raish Lakish, “You learned Torah like R’Chiya, but you did not spread Torah like R’Chiya!” What did R’Chiya do? R’ Chiya planted flax, turned the fibers into nets, trapped deer, skinned them for parchment, and wrote down each of the five books of the Torah on a separate parchment. He gave each of the scrolls to a separate orphan and taught them each their respective sefer. He then instructed each of them to teach their friends what they had learned. Bais Yaakov is proud this evening to honor outstanding representatives of our staff who, through their עבודת הקודש , meticulously follow R’Chiya’s example. As we gather here this evening, we thank not only those within our Bais Yaakov family, but also our many supporters from close and far who share in our dream and vision. May Bais Yaakov continue to be blessed with the tremendous siyata d’shmaya that it has merited for many years to come.
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