Gala Event Journal
I N H ONOR OF T HE T EACHERS OF B AIS Y AAKOV OF B ALTIMORE We stand in awe and appreciation of your Dedication, innovation, thoughtfulness and care that you give to your students and your job each day. In Special Tribute to Tonight's Honorees: M RS . S ORA R OCHEL S CHUCK , M RS . J UDY N EUBERGER , M RS . D EBI A LPER , M RS . E STEE S TEINBERG , M RS . S ANDY C OHEN , M RS . B RENDA W ILLNER AND M RS . F AIGE K RAMER In Recognition of Tonight's Rising Stars: M RS . D ASSIE B ARR , M RS . R IVKA R OTHMAN AND M RS . S HIRA A BRAMOVITZ יתהון ...
בעלמא יברך
We want to personally thank the many teachers who taught our own daughters and worked together with us to build them into the special individuals that they are!
ה' מֵעִם שְׁלֵמָה,
יְשַׁלֵּם ה'
מַשְׂכֻּרְתֵּךְ אֱלֹקי
פָּעֳלֵךְ וּתְהִי
Rabbi andMrs. Yitzchok Sanders
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