Gala Event Journal

I N H ONOR OF M RS . D EBI A LPER Your signature smile is a reflection of the positive energy you bring into the classroom. M RS . D ASSIE B ARR The growth of your students is testimony to your dedication to the needs of each student. M RS . S CHUCK AND M RS . N EUBERGER It is an honor to work with you. M RS . S TEINBERG , M RS . C OHEN , AND M RS . R OTHMAN It is an honor to have worked with you. In honor of each of the wonderful teachers and assistants in Bais Yaakov's 1st and 2nd grades. Your influence extends beyond the classroom, well into the future. Thank you! M RS . R IVKY A NISFELD , M RS . E MILY F EINBERG , M RS . D EVOIRY H ERSKOWITZ , M RS . B ARBARA H OROWITZ , M ISS E STHER T REVINO , M ISS E STHER S HAPIRO , M ISS M IRIAM E STHER R UDERMAN , M ISS R ACHAYL G OLD , M RS . L ISA S CHABES , M RS . S URI C OHEN , M RS . E STI F ELDHEIM , M RS . S IMY M ITTLEMAN , M RS . A VIVA M ARKS , M RS . A VIVA S ILBER , M ISS Y AEL S CHWARTZ , M RS . E DIT D INOVITZER , M RS . N AOMI H EFTER , M ISS A YDEL H ERSKOWITZ , AND M RS . R IVKY B RECHER

I am honored and humbled to be a part of this team Mrs. Molly Horwitz


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