Gala Event Journal

Mazal Tov To M RS . J UDY N EUBERGER On this most prestigious award THE MENDEL D. FREEDMAN ז"ל CHINUCH HABANOS AWARD A truly befitting honor, You have been part of Bais Yaakov Elementary School for many years and have witnessed its enormous growth, As an ardent staff member, you have contributed much to this wonderful מוסד With your טובה you have been ך  מח generations of girls.


Your creativity, devotion and commitment to each תלמידה is legendary. Not only have you taught by example,

but you have graced and .חכמה May you be זוכה to see much continued חת  from your תלמידות and from your beautiful משפחה together with your esteemed husband, Reb Sheftel .שליטא Hashem should give you כח to continue doing all the חסד you do for your family, the פרט and for the .כלל יעקב with your החיים



With much admiration,

Rabbi Naftoli and Helen Hexter


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