Gala Event Journal
Some teachers remain in the present, And some dip into the past, But our teachers touch the future.
Our words fall short to express our gratitude To all of Bais Yaakov’s teachers for making our school what it is; A place to grow happily.
Because of our teachers’ skills, patience and love, our girls gain in their competence as they grow in their confidence.
May the Middle School Representatives, M RS . E STEE S TEINBERG , M RS . S ANDY C OHEN , AND M RS . R IVKA R OTHMAN Along with all the other honorees, be bentched with good health as they continue to lead us through their example. Rabbi Naftoli Hexter, Rabbi Shaul Engelsberg, Mrs. Brenda Sherman, Mrs. Gitti Horowitz, andMrs. Chanita Felder
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